8 861 730-82-62
Novorossiysk, prospekt Dzerzhinskogo, 156Bk2, of. 219
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Novorossiysk, prospekt Dzerzhinskogo, 156Bk2, of. 219
8 861 730-82-62 8 906 432-85-60
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Car rental — no hidden surcharges!

We offer a personal approach and special conditions for all reliable clients who have driving skills.

We serve the car clean, equipped with everything you need.

  1. We accept various payment methods: cash, bank cards, bank transfer. Payment is possible in your personal account on our site.
  2. You will need to make a prepayment for the entire rental period.
  3. Gasoline, parking fees and fines are not included in the price.
  4. If your car is delayed by more than 2 hours, you will be charged an extra hourly rate.
Requirements for the tenant
  • The minimum age is 21 years.
  • Driving experience — at least three years.
  • We work with both Russian citizens and foreigners.
Important to remember
  • The minimum rental period is 1 day from the date of delivery of the car.
  • The mileage limit is 250 km/day.
  • The tenant is obliged to return the car in the same form and with the same amount of fuel.
  • You can drive a rented car into the Republic of Abkhazia. This service is chargeable.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I book a car?
This can be done through a form on this site or by phone 8 (8617) 30-82-62. You should have a driver's license with at least three years of experience and a passport with permanent Russian residency. The customer must be at least 21 years old.
Can I rent a car on a long-term basis? If so, how much does it cost?
At BBRent, you can rent a car for a long time (or buy it if you want). Long-term rental rates are listed on Prices page. If you rent a car for more than a month, we will offer individual rates. Contact us and rent a car on the most favorable and convenient terms.
Can I rent a car with the right to buy from your company?
Yes. If you have a long-term lease of any car in the fleet, you can buy it back. We will calculate the amount of the monthly fee for fixed redemption period. The customer uses the car, makes payments, and then becomes the owner of the car. To learn more about this service, contact our manager or read about it on page vykup.bbrent.ru.
Is it necessary to bring car to the company's office after the rental?
To return your car after the rental period at no extra charge, you will need to bring the car to our office. However, for a fee, the car can be handed over in other areas of Novorossiysk. Contact our manager and arrange the time and place of car transfer.
Can you put a child seat in my rental car?
Yes, we have this additional service. If you need a child seat in your car, please let our manager know. We will equip the car with the required number of child seats.
Can I rent a car for two drivers?
Sure. For a small additional fee, we will add two drivers to the rental agreement and issue two power of attorney.
Do your company's vehicles have advertising stickers?
There are no advertising stickers on our cars. To make sure of this, look at the photos of cars on the site.
Your website shows cars in different colors. Can I choose a color for the car I want to rent?
Yes, you can order a specific color car from us. All models in our fleet are presented in several colors. The ability to choose the color of the car is an exclusive service of BBRent.
Can I rent a car on the day of application, without pre-ordering?
Yes, you can choose any car that is located in the company's parking lots. However, pre-ordering is more convenient. When booking, a car with the selected color and configuration is reserved for you. We can do the paperwork faster. To order a car, call the company and find out what cars are currently available.
Can I rent a car in advance, pick it up at the Pashkovsky airport and hand it over at the hotel check-out?
Yes, we will deliver the car to the airport and pick it up from any district of Krasnodar. We accept payment in cash or by bank card. To complete the paperwork, call our manager and book a car. Upon arrival at the airport, the car will be waiting for you.
I have an international driver's license from another country. Can I use it to rent a car from you?
Yes, we accept any international certificates. In addition, it facilitates the verification procedure and speeds up the processing of documents.
In what form must I return my rental car?
The car must be returned clean and with the same amount of fuel as when you received it. All rental cars have a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, spare tire and other components that are taken into account when accepting the car. When returning the car, the complete set of the car must be observed.
What to do if the car breaks down on the road?
We have a 24-hour technical assistance service. If your machine breaks down, call the technician on duty on the multi-channel phone number. Technician will help you solve your problems and, if necessary, call a tow truck or send a technical assistance vehicle to you. If necessary, we will provide a car replacement. This service can be used all over Russia.
What documents do I need to rent a car?
A driver's license with at least three years of experience and a passport with permanent Russian residency. The customer must be at least 21 years old.
Can foreign citizens rent a car from you?
Yes. Only instead of a Russian passport they will have to provide a passport of their country.
Can I travel to Abkhazia in a rented car?
Yes, you can. Just let our manager know. There is a charge for this service.

Car rental — cheap and comfortable!

Modern cars
All our cars not older than the 2016 year of manufacture.
Car delivery
The car will be delivered to the specified address at a convenient time for you.
Good technical state
We guarantee the serviceability of the car. In case of a breakdown, we will replace your car with a similar one.
Online verification
Send us a photo of your documents and we will check them remotely. We appreciate your time.
Flexible pricing
Простые и понятые тарифы. А также особые скидки постоянным клиентам.
Full speed ahead!
We offer a special tariff without mileage restrictions.
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